What is Happening This Week 6/24-6/28/20

beach_ball_floating.jpg We hope you are joining us for online worship on Facebook Live. We will be on Facebook again this Sunday at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org.  
Kids can follow along with this Sunday’s scripture lesson with Children’s Activity Bulletins for Ages 3-6 and Ages 7-12.  

Let’s Welcome Pastor Cheryl Murphy!
As you know, Pastor Cheryl Murphy has been appointed as senior pastor of Holy Covenant. We would like to have a basket of notes and cards of welcome for Pastor Cheryl when she arrives at her office on June 30. At this time we are asking you to send your card or note to Holy Covenant (1901 E. Peters Colony Road, Carrollton, TX 75007)  
-Your SPPR Committee!  

Scripture for Sunday, June 28:
Ecclesiastes 3:1-13  

Prayers of the People:  
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
Rev. Cheryl Murphy and her husband Jeff as they prepare to come to Holy Covenant. Rev. Carol Sparks as she and her family prepare to go to FUMC Alvord. Our friends at Atria Carrollton. Carlos Ponce dealing with health issues. Those who have lost employment.   
And continued prayers for the following: Charles Hinton; Janet Trumble; Barbara Wright; Aletha Craven; Mary Harrison; Florence Richter; Tyler Ackerman; Jojo Sain; and Mike Gilbert.  

Fan Drive
You have just one more week to participate in Advocates for Justice and Peace Fan Drive. The drive goes on until June 30th. This year when fans are purchased and left at the church, we are going to give them out at our Food Distribution on June 28th. You can either donate $20 for a fan or buy a fan and bring it to the church. Someone will be at the church this Thursday and Saturday from 10:00 to noon. You could bring your fan at the same time that you bring your food for the Food Pantry!   If you want to donate $20, you can do that online at hcumc.org or send a check to the church with Fan Drive written in the memo.   Our congregation has always been very generous during the fan drive. We know you won’t let COVID keep us from being successful.  

Food Pantry
Our next Food Distribution is this coming Sunday, June 28th. We would like to start involving the community more in our Food Ministry. Please ask your friends to consider donating food or money or volunteering to help in packing bags or working the Drive Through.   You can sign up to volunteer by going to signupgenius.com or by contacting Lois Eaton [email protected].   As usual, someone will be at the church on Thursday and Saturday from 10:00-noon to accept donated food.
We need the following food: Peanut butter. Large cans of Chicken Soup – both hardy and regular Chili Mac and Cheese – boxes not cups  

Thank you, as always, for your generous support of the Food Pantry,
Lois Eaton            
Drivers Needed:

We need volunteers with trucks to pick up food from Metrocrest on Tuesdays.   If you can help, please contact Lois Eaton at 214-862-8683 or [email protected].  
texting-girl-sm.jpg Everyone is concerned about finances at this time, and Holy Covenant is no exception. If you typically bring your offering to worship, please consider online giving.  
June Giving:
Budgeted $34,365
Received to Date $24,994
cellphone_laptop.jpg Online Giving
Go to hcumc.org, choose Donate from the menu in the right-hand corner and under Online Giving you can even set up regular giving by choosing the Donation Frequency.  Another option is to download the GivePlus app from the App Store or Google Play, choose Holy Covenant and make your contributions from your mobile device. The app is free to download and install. 

Volunteers Needed
Would you like to help with our online worship? We are looking for volunteers for our worship streaming ministry. You will be asked to commit to 2 worship services per month to operate either a video switcher or a camera.    Experience welcome–but not required! There will be training. Please contact Tim Shepardson at [email protected] if you are interested.

hands_teamwork_puzzle.jpg Like Puzzles?
Are you and your family putting together jigsaw puzzles? Are you tired of doing the same ones? We have LOTS of new and gently used puzzles we would love to share with you! They are 500 piece and 1000 piece puzzles. We would be happy to drop one on your doorstep. We will even share photos for you to choose the one you want.  If you are interested, please contact Elise at [email protected]