What is Happening This Week 7/23-7/26/20

We hope you are joining us for online worship on Facebook Live. We will be on Facebook again this Sunday at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org. From Pastor Cheryl Holy Covenant Family, I received a letter from Bishop McKee on Thursday requesting that we continue to worship apart. These are his words: I am also grateful for all persons in our medical communities who seek to provide healing and care to those who have been affected by the COVID-19 virus. Their work is challenging and often risky at times. Given the nature of their healing ministry during these times, I pray for their health and well-being. Certainly, this work is sacrificial. So that their healing work is honored, and because the Church should not be a party to increasing the spread of COVID-19, churches in the Metro District will not gather in person through Labor Day. This is in line with the practice of most local school districts, which will offer virtual learning through Labor Day. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor COVID-19 data to determine a time when churches may begin to gather for worship in person. Thank you again for your faithfulness and your patience. I remain deeply grateful that you have discovered new ways to be the Church. So, we at Holy Covenant will continue to worship together on Sunday mornings from a distance. You are invited to continue to join us for worship from the comfort of your home on Facebook Live on Sundays at 10:30 am. You can also access the worship service on our website hcumc.org. Please know I am praying for you and look forward to the dawn of a new season when we can gather together to worship God from our beautiful sanctuary. May you feel you are safely being held in the Palm of God’s Hand! -Pastor Cheryl Scripture for Sunday, July 26: I Corinthians 11:32-26 Sermon Title: Blessing, Breaking, Giving, Remembering Highlights for Sunday You are invited to join our Holy Covenant community to partake in Holy Communion this week! Please join us on Sunday at 10:30 on Facebook Live or on hcumc.org. Please prepare for our time together. We will be creating Holy Space at your table. You will need juice – we use grape juice at church. You will need bread, crackers, pita, tortilla etc. We will gather to do the Blessing, Breaking, Giving and Remembering together! Our holy time will be different, but sacred. If you have children, involve them in setting the table. Maybe find a cross, a candle, items that are holy to them, even a stuffed animal representing all God’s creation. We will gather apart as the Children of God, the disciples of Christ and we will remember the sacred and holiness of this sacrament. I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday! Pastor Cheryl Prayers of the People ![]() Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: The King family on the loss of Rhonda’s mother-in-law. The Rathbun family on the loss of Dave’s mother. Carlos Ponce who is in a skilled nursing facility. Susan Prindle’s cousin Patty who has cancer. Our friends at Atria Carrollton. Those who have lost employment. And continued prayers for the following: Rev. Gene Wisdom; Charles Hinton; Janet Trumble; Barbara Wright; Aletha Craven; Mary Harrison; Florence Richter; Tyler Ackerman; Jojo Sain; Mike Gilbert; and the family of Janice Vandeaver. ![]() We have a Drive Through Food Distribution coming up this Sunday. We need to make at least 110 sets of boxes and bags to be ready for the event. We still need volunteers to pack those boxes and bags, so please go to signupgenius.com and volunteer. We are almost totally out of: Mac and Cheese Hearty Soup We could also use dog food and cat food. Someone will be at the church on Saturday from 10:00-noon to accept your donations. Thank you for your support. Lois Eaton 214-862-8683 [email protected] Finances ![]() Everyone is concerned about finances at this time, and Holy Covenant is no exception. If you typically bring your offering to worship, please consider online giving or mail your check to: Holy Covenant UMC, 1901 E. Peters Colony Rd., Carrollton, TX 75007 July Giving: Budgeted $34,365 Received to Date $27,818 ![]() Donate Now. You may even set up regular giving by choosing the Donation Frequency. In June, 45% of our offerings were given online–an all-time record! Thank you for supporting HCUMC. Coming Soon ![]() Saturday, August 1 9 am to Noon Holy Covenant is scheduled to again provide breakfast for the homeless at Austin Street Shelter. If you are able to donate food, please prepare 12 sandwiches, 12 pieces of fruit and 12 hard-boiled eggs and deliver them to Holy Covenant on Saturday, August 1st, between 9 am and noon. Bottled water and juice boxes are also appreciated. Please drive around to the kitchen door where members of the Spiritual Journeymen will receive the donations from you. The food will be delivered Saturday afternoon and it will be served by the Austin Street staff on Sunday morning. Contact Rick Davis for more information 972-814-5325, [email protected]. Blood Drive Sunday, August 23 From 8:30 to 12:30 in the Holy Covenant parking lot Carter BloodCare will bring their bus to our parking lot. 16 donor time slots available. The slots are limited to observe social distancing. Schedule your slot here. SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, August 23rd 9:00 am via Zoom November 2020 Election Information from the League of Women Voters from Dallas and Denton Counties. Sponsored by Advocates for Justice and Peace. CPR Wednesday, August 12 ECDP teachers will receive CPR/AED training on August 12. If you would like to join the training, please contact Beth McClure [email protected] as spaces are limited. ![]() Would you like to help with our online worship? We are looking for volunteers for our worship streaming ministry. You will be asked to commit to 2 worship services per month to operate either a video switcher or a camera. Experience welcome–but not required! There will be training. Please contact Tim Shepardson at [email protected] if you are interested. ![]() Are you and your family putting together jigsaw puzzles? Are you tired of doing the same ones? We have LOTS of new and gently used puzzles we would love to share with you! They are 500 piece and 1000 piece puzzles. We would be happy to drop one on your doorstep. We will even share photos for you to choose the one you want. If you are interested, please contact Elise at [email protected]. |