What is Happening This Weeks 6/29-7/4/21

It’s VBS time!
Today, the Dallas Grilled Cheese Co. Food Truck will be at Holy Covenant from 5 to 7 pm. Stop by and order a sandwich from their MENU!  

The church office will be closed from this Wednesday, June 30, until Tuesday, July 6 to accommodate HVAC replacement and to give the staff a holiday break.  

There will only be ONE worship service this Sunday at 10:30 am in the sanctuary. This service will not be streamed. Streaming and the 8:30 am Outside worship service will resume on July 11.  

No Outside Sunday Worship This Week
Sunday, 4th of July Only ONE worship service at 10:30 am  

10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship In-person only this week
We will only offer in-person worship this Sunday, July 4th. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org.        

Sunday, July 4
Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14
Sermon Title: One Heretic or Two?
Guest preacher: Rev. Dr. Chuck Aaron  

Welcome Rev. Dr. Chuck Aaron!
Chuck Aaron is Co-Director of the Intern Program at Perkins School of Theology at SMU. He has 38 service years in United Methodist ordained ministry. He holds degrees from Lambuth College, The University of Memphis, SMU, and Union Presbyterian Seminary. He has pastored churches in Tennessee, North Caroline, Virginia and Texas. He is the author of Preaching Hosea, Amos, and Micah and The Bible’s Foundation: An Introduction to the Pentateuch, both from Chalice Press. He is the co-editor of Parental Guidance Advised: Adult Preaching from the Old Testament from Chalice Press, and Preaching In/And the Borderlands from Pickwick Press. He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature and the Academy of Homiletics. He has taught courses in preaching and biblical studies at Austin Seminary, Duke Divinity School, Perkins and Union Presbyterian Seminary.  

Chuck is married to Sandra, a computer programmer. They enjoy travel, movies, and following their favorite TV shows: The Good Doctor, Gray’s Anatomy and NCIS. Chuck is working to get back in shape to run 5Ks, and is teaching middle-aged fingers to play the guitar.   

Prayers of the People  
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
The family of Leslie Beckmann; the family of Mitzi King; Karen Guest; Butch Dunn; Becky Eaton; Helma Gentry’s mother; Rex and Susan McAnally; Travis Williams; Lana King; Jacquelin Solenberg; Mary Harrison; Ed Webb and our friends at Atria Carrollton.      

No Youth this Sunday–4th of July!!  

Highlight Next Week playground
Story Time & Play
July 8 and 13 at 9:30 am
Save the dates! Story time and playground fun with new ECDP Director, Heather Hinton. This will be a great time to meet Mrs. Hinton, play with your ECDP friends and bring a friend who might like to play with you at school!!  

Food Pantry
Pantry Hours: Tuesday-Thursday from 10-2  2nd and 4th Sundays from 12-1 pm.   

We accept donations on Thursdays and Saturdays from 10-12. Currently, we need: chili, hearty soups and canned vegetables.  

Thank you for always being there to support the Food Pantry with your donations, your time, and your prayers.    

Volunteers Still Needed!   Sack Summer Hunger
Sack Summer Hunger
Saturdays through July 31
Sign Up Now!  

We still need a few volunteers to help pick up food from Metrocrest as well as to deliver to families on 7/10, 7/17, 7/24 and 7/31. The commitment is no more than 2 hours on Saturday morning. If you have questions, please email Ashley Norris at [email protected].   

Please sign up HERE to volunteer.              

Finances checkbook-pen.jpg
You may send your checks to:
Holy Covenant UMC
1901 E. Peters Colony Rd.
Carrollton, TX 75007  
Or you may submit your offering electronically through online giving.  

texting-girl-sm.jpg Online Giving
Donate Here. You may set up a regular pledge payment by choosing the Donation Frequency.