What is Happening This Week 4/14-4/17/22

Holy Week is in full swing!  

Please join us this evening at 7:00 for a Maundy Thursday Worship Service in the sanctuary! We will be sharing in Holy Communion, music, prayers and beginning a long evening with Jesus. There is a Foot Washing service for the children in the Covenant Center with Laulie.  

Join us Friday evening at 7:00 for the Good Friday Worship Service with a cantata presented by the Wesleyan Choir: Whispers of the Passion.  

On Saturday, there will be a Family Day of Service at Metrocrest. Everyone is welcome! Bring Friends!  

Easter Sunday there will be a Celebration Worship service at 8:30 am and 10:30 am! At 9:30 we will have a breakfast and telling of the Easter story in the Covenant Center followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for the children!   

We will livestream Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the 10:30 am Easter Worship. 

We hope you will be present for these deeply important moments in our journey as the disciples of Jesus Christ.  

Shalom Blessings,
Pastor Cheryl  

8:30 am Sunday Worship  
We will gather in the sanctuary this Sunday to celebrate the Resurrection!  

10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship In-person and Livestreamed
We hope you are joining us either in-person, or for online worship on Facebook Live. We will be on Facebook again this Sunday at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org.   

Easter Sunday, April 17
Scripture: Luke 23:55-24:12
Sermon: A Heart of Rejoicing  

Sunday School
9:15 am
Children’s Classes:
Kinder to 5th – Covenant Center
Confirmation – Upstairs
Youth – Youth Room
Infants to PreK – Nursery

Adult Classes:
Seekers – Room 210 Upstairs
Spiritual Journeymen – Room 212 Upstairs
“When Christians Get It Wrong” Study – Room 213 Upstairs

For more information or questions, contact Laulie Eckeberger at [email protected] If you are interested in teaching or helping with Sunday School, please sign up HERE.  

Prayers of the People  
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
The Valcourt family; Ronnie Martinez; Tim Kleinhenz; Norma Boren; Ed Webb; Jim Ott; Gina Ott; Randy Sutherland; Belinda Harden; Sharon Harris; Travis Williams; Mary Harrison; and our friends at Atria Carrollton.
Join Us for Holy Week!  
Maundy Thursday April 14 7:00 pm In-person and Livestreamed Worship with Holy Communion. Laulie Eckeberger will lead a special Children’s Worship in the Covenant Center.  Nursery available.  
Good Friday April 15 7:00 pm In-person and Livestreamed Worship led by the Wesleyan Choir presenting the cantata Whispers of the Passion.   Nursery available.   Easter April 17
8:30 am Worship in the Sanctuary
9:15 am Egg Hunt and Snack Breakfast
10:30 am In-person and Livestreamed Worship celebrating the resurrection!  

Greeters Needed We need some friendly faces to greet members and guests each Sunday for 10:30 am worship. Please contact Pastor Cheryl [email protected] if you would like to be added to the list!

Highlight This Week
Family Service Project
Saturday, April 16
9-10:30 am
Meet at the Metrocrest Services Warehouse 3210 Skylane Dr. Carrollton, TX We will help sort food. Be sure to wear closed-toe shoes!    

Holy Covenant UMC and Preschool will be closed Monday, April 18 and reopen Tuesday, April 19.  

Highlight Next Week
Ladies In Fellowship Together (LIFT)
Thursday, April 21
11:00 am
The monthly LIFT gathering will be on Thursday, April 21, at 11:00 am at the home of Cindy Baucom. Go to L.I.F.T. for more information. Bring a snack or covered dish to share. We will enjoy food and fellowship. If you do not have time to prepare a dish, please join us anyway – we want you with us! 
Please contact Hefina Glenys [email protected] if you plan to attend.  

Closeup of female hands with shredded papers Coming Soon
Secure Document Shredding
Saturday, April 23
8:30 am to Noon
Sponsored by Holy Covenant’s Green Team. Open to the public. Protect your identity while supporting Holy Covenant. Watch your documents being shredded on site with the utmost security. $5 per copy paper sized box. Please share this information! You can find the event on the Holy Covenant Facebook page and share it to invite your friends and family to bring their sensitive documents to be shredded.  

Shredding will be done by Secure On Site Shredding Inc. Visit  www.secureonsiteshredding.com for more information about the company. All proceeds will benefit HCUMC ministries.  

ECDP Spring Fling
Thursday, April 28
5:30 pm Dinner & Silent Auction
6:15 pm Spring Program
Please join us for an Italian dinner at 5:30 pm, participate in our silent auction and raffles, and then stay for the most amazing performance by the ECDP students at 6:15 pm. All proceeds from this event will go to the Playground Renovation Fund.  

Please fill out the RSVP and Order Form and return to Heather Hinton or the church office by Monday, April 25. If you would like to support the Playground Remodel but cannot attend, you may use the form to order your meal To-Go or simply make a financial donation.  

Adult meals are $10 each and kids are FREE. The meal will include salad, bread, lasagna, and a yummy pasta bar.     3-red-apples.jpg
Mark Your Calendars
Food Collection for Austin Street
Saturday, April 30
9 am to Noon
Holy Covenant Kitchen
Holy Covenant is scheduled to again provide breakfast for the homeless at Austin Street Shelter. If you are able to donate food, please prepare 12 sandwiches, 12 pieces of fruit and 12 hard-boiled eggs and deliver them to Holy Covenant on Saturday, April 30th, between 9 am and noon. Bottled water and juice boxes are also appreciated. Please drive around to the kitchen door where members of the Spiritual Journeymen will receive the donations from you.  

The Journeymen will deliver the food to Austin Street Saturday afternoon. Please contact Rick Davis (972-814-5325 [email protected]) with any questions.  

Food Pantry
Pantry Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday from 10-2 
2nd and 4th Sundays from 12-1 pm.  

URGENT needs: large pasta sauce, hearty soups, large canned chicken, instant mashed potatoes, chili, cereal and dog/cat food.  

The Missions Team thanks you for always being there to support the Food Pantry with your donations, your time, and your prayers.  

Aid for Ukraine
If you are looking for a secure way to support relief efforts in Ukraine, please read the following regarding UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)   The United Methodist Church in Ukraine and Moldova has created a crisis committee to oversee all incoming foreign support through UMCOR Advance #14053A and direct it to assist refugees within and outside of Ukraine. You can give by donating online and choosing Ukraine Relief Efforts.            

Finances   checkbook-pen.jpg
You may send your checks to:
Holy Covenant UMC
1901 E. Peters Colony Rd.
Carrollton, TX 75007  

Or you may submit your offering electronically through online giving.  

April Regular Donations/Pledge Payments
Goal $39,269
Easter $3,200
Given to Date $18,622 (56%)  

texting-girl-sm.jpg Online Giving
Donate Here. You may set up a regular pledge payment by choosing the Donation Frequency.