What is Happening This Week 9/22-9/25/22
Holy Covenant Family, In 1974, Rev. Jack Soper was appointed to begin a church on the corner of E. Peters Colony and Josey in Carrollton. The church building was completed in 1977, but the seeds of God’s vision for this church were planted from the very beginning. The church was to be a holy covenant of people living out God’s teachings, as the Gospel describes, to serve others. This Sunday we will reflect on what it means to all of us to be part of a church family called Holy Covenant. We hope you will join us at 9:00 AM in the sanctuary or livestreaming for a Micah Sunday program that will discuss God, Guns, and Voting. There will be four speakers providing information that will help everyone to grasp a clearer understanding of the UMC position, the laws of Texas, the changes in voting laws and steps to researching candidates’ stands on issues. I will look forward to greeting you on Sunday! Shalom Blessings, Pastor Cheryl 8:30 am Worship Inside This Week Early worship is back! We are meeting inside until the playground is finished. 10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship In-person and Livestreamed We hope you are joining us either in-person, or for online worship on Facebook Live. We will be on Facebook again this Sunday at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org. Sunday, September 25 Scripture: Genesis 12:1-3 & 1 Peter 1:13-16 Ushers: Pathfinders Sunday School 9:15 am Children’s Classes: Kinder to 2nd – Room 206 3rd to 5th – Room 202 Youth – Youth Room Infants to PreK – Nursery Adult Classes: Daughters of Shalom – Room 208 Seekers – Room 210 Pathfinders – Room 211 Spiritual Journeymen – Room 212 For more information or questions, contact Laulie Eckeberger at [email protected] Prayers of the People Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: The Rocek family; David Gonzales; Sharyn Yetman; Norma Boren; Tom Yull; Tom Shore; Janice Pfeifer; Matthew Perry; Ed Webb; Jim Ott; Gina Ott; Sharon Harris; Travis Williams; and our friends at Atria Carrollton. Wear Your Nametag! Be sure to wear your nametag this Sunday to help our guests learn names. If you need a nametag, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the nametag table. Kids Corner We are so excited about our new kids corner in the sanctuary. We have the kids corner so that if your little one is having trouble focusing or sitting still in church they can take a little break and play in the kids corner. Parents, take a breath, stay in your seat and focus on worship knowing that Laulie will be over there to manage. Let’s make sure we are as respectful and caring as possible with this new space! – kids corner is available after the children’s sermon – no talking or whispering – no fighting, wrestling or rough play – sharing is caring – when praying, kids must stop playing and pray along with us. Highlights This Week Dinner & Game Night Friday, September 23 6 pm Covenant Center Bring your friends, family and your favorite games! All ages welcome. If you would like to contribute to the taco bar dinner, please sign up HERE. Faith & Firearms Series: God, Guns and Voting Sunday, September 25 9:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary • What the Methodist Church says about guns • Gun laws and regulations in Texas • Changes in voting in Texas • Local elections and how to find your candidate’s stand on guns Presented by the Advocates for Justice & Peace. Food Pantry Pantry Hours: Tuesday-Thursday from 10-2 2nd and 4th Sundays from 12-1 pm. URGENT needs: canned peaches, applesauce, large pasta sauce, soup and large canned chicken. Donations may be delivered Thursdays and Saturdays from 10:00-noon. In addition to that, we accept donations on Sundays before and after both worship services. There will be carts outside the Pantry for your donations. The Missions Team thanks you for always being there to support the Food Pantry with your donations, your time, and your prayers. Highlights Next Week Tuesday Take Five Tuesdays at 12 noon Starting September 27 Facebook Live Take a few minutes out of your day for spiritual growth and an uplifting message for the week with Laulie Eckeberger. Ministry Fair Sunday, October 2 8 am – 12:30 pm Covenant Center Learn how you can get involved! Classes – Small Groups – Committees – Ministries Come-and-go event with coffee and treats. Save the Date Blood Drive Sunday, October 9 8 am to noon Carter BloodCare will be set up in the Covenant Center. As a Thank You, donors will receive 2 pairs of socks (while supplies last). Choir is Back! Covenant Carillons Handbell Choir Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary Wesleyan Choir Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the Choir Room Join us as we rehearse music for worship. Help Needed Do you have a green thumb? Do you enjoy making things grow? We are looking for someone to water and tend the plants in the sanctuary once a week. Please contact Elise Webb Odell [email protected] if interested. Now Hiring ECDP is now hiring a toddler/2’s teacher 3 days per week. This person will work with a team of passionate early childhood educators to plan and implement daily play-based activities and care for the needs of the children in the class. The teacher will build relationships with children and families as we work to help the children develop and learn. If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact Heather Hinton [email protected] 972-492-1371. Coming Soon General Election: November 8, 2022 Last Day to Register: October 11 Mail-In Ballot Application Deadline: October 18 Early Voting Begins: October 24 Early Voting Ends: November 4 To learn what is on your ballot, go to https://www.votetexas.gov/ Finances You may give ONLINE or send checks to: Holy Covenant UMC 1901 E. Peters Colony Rd. Carrollton, TX 75007 Online Giving Donate here or use the QR code. You may set up a regular pledge payment by choosing the frequency of donations. |