What is Happening This Week 12/7-12/10/23

Burning candles spelling the word Peace in front of a lit decorated Christmas tree          
Beloved Community,  

As the busy-ness of the Christmas season is beginning to consume us all, I want to invite you to a Sunday worship service that will have the bells ringing and Shalom peace being our focus. My prayer will be that we will catch our breath and refocus on why we gather to celebrate the arrival of Emmanuel, God with us!  

We need your gifts for the Angel Tree. We have the opportunity to bless 75 children this Christmas. Please bring Walmart or Amazon $25 gift cards, checks, cash or you can give online HERE.  

Lailah Gifty Akita reminds us:
The sacredness of Christmas: glory to God in the highest holy heavens, peace on earth and goodwill to all people.   

May that spirit continue to bless you this Advent season!  

Shalom Blessings,
Pastor Cheryl Murphy  

10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship In-person and Livestreamed
Join us either in-person, or for online worship on Facebook Live. We are on Facebook Sundays at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org.   

Sunday, December 10
Second Sunday of Advent
Scripture: Matthew 2
Ushers: Seekers    

It’s not too late!  
Thank you to those who have already turned in their 2024 pledges! You may still bring them this Sunday and place them in the offering plate, mail them or submit your pledge ONLINE.    

Sunday School
9:15 am
Kinder to 2nd – Room 206
3rd to 5th—Room 202
Confirmation – Room 207
Youth – Youth Room
Infants to PreK – Nursery  

Adult Classes:
Daughters of Shalom – Room 208
Seekers – Room 210
Pathfinders – Room 211
Spiritual Journey – Room 212
Travelers – Room 213 – starts at 9:30 am  

Wear Your Nametag!
Be sure to wear your nametag this Sunday to help our guests learn names. If you need a nametag, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the nametag table.   

Prayers of the People  
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
Mary Mitchell Trimble; Jean McDonald; Marilyn Paa; Rob Evans; Lisa Hunsaker; Sharyn Yetman; Sharon Harris; John Webb; Ed Webb; Claudia and Marshall Masser; Karen McGuffin; Charles Hinton; Sadie Garcia; Debbie and Bob Schulter; Sara Bunch; James Baxter; Karyl Sarver; Tom Yull; Matthew Perry; and our friends at Atria Carrollton.  

Happening Now  
Angel Tree
Through December 10  
This is the last week of our Angel Tree! Each angel on the tree represents a child in need in our area. Please consider purchasing Walmart or Amazon $25 gift cards. We also accept checks or cash donations to buy gift cards on your behalf. You may donate online at Angel Tree.  

Male and female clothes arranged and hanging in a walk in closet Clothes Closet Needs
We need the following for the HCUMC Community Clothes Closet:
-Coats (all sizes)
-Men’s clothes (all sizes)
-Baby clothes
-Shoes (all sizes, specifically work shoes, heavy duty shoes)
-New underwear and socks (all sizes)
-Mini shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, lotion  
Please bring clothes to the church office Tuesday – Thursday between 10 am and 2 pm or Sunday mornings.  

Highlights This Week  
FREE Parents’ Night Out
Friday, December 8
5:30 – 8:30 pm  

Drop your kids off for a night of dinner, activities and a Christmas movie! Do some last-minute shopping or spend some quality time alone or with friends amidst the busy holiday season!     

Wesleyan Choir at Nativity Display
Sunday, December 10
1:30 pm
4000 Nazarene Drive
Carrollton, TX 75010
This Sunday afternoon, the Wesleyan Choir will perform at the Community Nativity Display where you can view hundreds of nativity sets. Our portion of the program will be from 1:30 to 2 pm. Go to thecommunitynativity.com for the location and times to view the display as well as a list and schedule of performers.    

Food Pantry  
Reverse Advent Calendar
December 1-31
Consider helping restock our Food Pantry this Advent season. Each day of December, you and your family are invited to purchase a food item for the Food Pantry. The calendar below lists items not typically available from the North Texas Food Bank.    
Pantry Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday from 10-2 
2nd and 3rd Sundays from 12-1 pm (in November and December)  
Donations may be dropped off Tuesdays through Thursdays between 10 am and 2 pm. In addition to that, we accept donations on Sundays before and after worship. There will be carts outside the Pantry for your donations. We thank you for always being there to support the Food Pantry with your donations, your time, and your prayers.  

Highlight Next Week  
Sunday, December 17
Navidad Nuestra
10:30 am Worship  
Join us is worship for a special Christmas cantata, Navidad Nuestra, presented by the Wesleyan Choir and guest instrumentalists.  


Join Us Christmas Eve!  
Family Candlelight Worship
5 pm  
Join us for an interactive kid-friendly worship service sharing the Christmas story and singing familiar carols.    

Candlelight Worship
7 pm  

We will gather for this traditional service with the Wesleyan Choir singing and worship ending in candlelight.  

Holy Covenant is Having a Birthday Celebration!  
2024 will be Holy Covenant’s 50th anniversary and we will celebrate April 13-14, 2024. We invite you to celebrate your church when you celebrate your birthday. Whenever your birthday falls, consider making a gift to HCUMC. Just mark your gift “Birthday Offering” and put it in the offering plate on Sunday or give ONLINE.      

Tuesday Take Five
Tuesdays at 12 noon 
Facebook Live 
Take a few minutes out of your Tuesday for spiritual growth and an uplifting message for the week with Laulie Eckeberger.             

You may give ONLINE or send checks to:
Holy Covenant UMC
1901 E. Peters Colony Rd.
Carrollton, TX 75007  

Giving.png Online Giving  
Donate here or use the QR code. You may set up a regular pledge payment by choosing the frequency of donations.