What is Happening This Week 3/30-4/2/23

Happy Thursday!  

Holy Week is upon us! We hope you will join us during the next week for the faithful witness as we walk with Jesus to the cross.   

Please remember we need you to sit close to the front of the sanctuary–allowing space for guests to slide in the back rows–AND to park far. Please leave the spots near the front entrance and along Josey empty for people who are visiting.  

Please bring your friendly, hospitable spirit to welcome friends and guests who will be part of our Holy Week worship services.  

I look forward to greeting you on Sunday as you pick up your palm!  

Shalom Blessings,
Pastor Cheryl   

10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship In-person and Livestreamed
We hope you are joining us either in-person, or for online worship on Facebook Live. We will be on Facebook again this Sunday at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org.   

Palm Sunday, April 2
Scripture: Matthew 21:7-11
Ushers: Spiritual Journeymen  

Prayers of the People  
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
The Boren family; the Hatter family; Lisa Hunsaker; Anne Michael; Belinda Harden; Sharyn Yetman; Sharon Harris; Travis Williams; Elizabeth Krause; Heath Kelley; Tom Yull; Tom Shore; Janice Pfeifer; Matthew Perry; Jim Ott; Gina Ott; and our friends at Atria Carrollton.  

Wear Your Nametag!
Be sure to wear your nametag this Sunday to help our guests learn names. If you need a nametag, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the nametag table.   

POSTPONED   Noly Paa and Friends Concert NEW DATE TBA

We’re Collecting Candy!  
We’re collecting candy for our egg hunt on Easter Sunday. Please bring individually wrapped candy (no chocolate or nuts, please!) to Laulie Eckeberger by Sunday, April 2nd.  

Highlight This Week  
Metro District Bishop’s Huddle
Saturday, April 1
10 am to noon
First UMC Duncanville
403 S. Main Street, Duncanville, TX 75116  

Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr. is excited to meet with members of the North Texas Conference.  
This gathering will include a question and answer session. If you would like to submit a question for Bishop Saenz, please fill out this FORM.  

An offering will be taken for the NTC Close to Home Campaign  and those impacted by the March 2022 tornado in Jacksboro.  

Holy Week
Palm Sunday Worship
April 2
10:30 am
Join us for a palm procession and celebration of the start to Holy Week.    

Maundy Thursday
April 6
7 pm
We will hear the Witness of the Disciples and share Holy Communion in observance of the Last Supper.    

Good Friday
April 7
7 pm Invite your friends to hear Song of the Shadows by Joseph M. Martin presented by the Wesleyan Choir and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Texas.     

April 9
7 am Neighborhood Sunrise Service – bring a lawn chair!
9:30 am Brunch in the Covenant Center followed by Egg Hunt – bring your basket!
10:30 am Worship Celebrating the Resurrection  

Holy Week Opportunity  
Owen Lenten Lecture Series
Featuring Bishop Ruben Saenz
April 4, 5 and 6
Lovers Lane UMC Shipp Chapel
9200 Inwood Rd., Dallas 75220  

Tuesday, April 4 – Lovers of God Weep – Luke 19:41-44
Wednesday, April 5 – Lovers of God Withstand – Luke 21:5-24
Thursday, April 6 – Lovers of God Watch – Luke 21:25-37  

Complimentary buffet lunch is provided afterward each day in Watson Hall. Lunch will include a question and answer session with the Bishop. On a tight schedule? No problem – a limited supply of grab & go box  lunches will be available. Come for the lecture and take a lunch back with you and you will be in and out within an hour.  

Childcare is available with advanced reservations by April 1.  

Coming Soon  
Secure Document Shredding
Saturday, April 22
8:30 am to Noon
Start filling those boxes now!
Sponsored by Holy Covenant’s Green Team. Open to the public. Protect your identity while supporting Holy Covenant. Watch your documents being shredded on site with the utmost security. $5 per copy paper sized box. Invite your friends and family to bring their sensitive documents to be shredded. Shredding will be done by Secure On Site Shredding Inc.  

Visit www.secureonsiteshredding.com for more information about the company. All proceeds will benefit HCUMC ministries.  

Food Pantry
Pantry Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday from 10-2 
2nd and 4th Sundays from 12-1 pm.  
We currently need: soups, chili, canned chicken and dry pet food.  
Donations may be delivered Tuesdays through Thursdays between 10:00 am and noon. In addition to that, we accept donations on Sundays before and after both worship services. There will be carts outside the Pantry for your donations.

The Missions Team thanks you for always being there to support the Food Pantry with your donations, your time, and your prayers.  

Tuesday Take Five
Tuesdays at 12 noon 
Facebook Live 
Take a few minutes out of your Tuesday for spiritual growth and an uplifting message for the week with Laulie Eckeberger.   
Register Now!  
VBS this year is Compassion Camp!
Sunday. June 4 – Thursday. June 8
5:30pm snack supper
6pm – 8pm program
Register NOW  
Compassion Camp: Changing the World with Lovingkindness has the goal to cultivate compassion for each other, ourselves, and the world.
Register HERE!            

You may give ONLINE or send checks to:
Holy Covenant UMC
1901 E. Peters Colony Rd.
Carrollton, TX 75007  
Giving.png Online Giving  
Donate here or use the QR code. You may set up a regular pledge payment by choosing the frequency of donations.  

violin-playing.jpg Highlight Beyond Holy Covenant  
Plano Symphony Orchestra Summer Camp
Middle School (Grades 7-9) July 10-14
High School (Grades 9-12) July 10 – 21 Christ UMC Plano
More information HERE  
The PSO is pleased to offer two summer camps to help your student fine tune their skills by learning from some of our outstanding musicians. A great opportunity to learn more about music and music performance! Limited spots are available. Early audition deadline is March 31. Additional Classes: Chamber Music; Electives such as film music, improvisation, conduction; and Private lessons with PSO musicians for additional charge.