What is Happening This Week 4/27-4/30/23
This Sunday is Youth Led Sunday! I am so excited for the youth to lead their church in worship and for this church to get to know them better. These kids feel so connected to each and every one of y’all, through seeing you on Sunday mornings to your support as prayer partners and your generosity through stock sales. They really feel loved by their church family. This is something that I am so, so grateful for. Sophomore Jonathan Mundell will be delivering the sermon on Sunday and I think his scripture and message choice is so profound and insightful. He’s preaching on Matthew 22, the greatest commandment. Jesus tells us in the scripture that “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Jonathan picked this verse to preach on and told me he wants to focus on the “love your neighbor as yourself” bit, particularly on loving yourself. We spend a lot of time in youth on these ideas. This is such a tender age, an age where figuring out who you are is hard, figuring out your friends is hard, where loving yourself is hard. I try to create Sunday school lessons and retreat themes that will help them see how amazing, how loved, and how good they really are, and that by following Jesus, and loving others, we are doing exactly what we were put here to do. I’m so glad Jonathan wants to talk about these ideas and share his wisdom with this church. The youth have all worked hard on their parts and I hope you will join us Sunday at 10:30am to love them, support them, and be their church family as you always are! Love always, Laulie Eckeberger 10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship In-person and Livestreamed We hope you are joining us either in-person, or for online worship on Facebook Live. We will be on Facebook again this Sunday at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org. Sunday, April 30 Youth Sunday Scripture: Matthew 22:36-40 Ushers: Youth Prayers of the People Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: Kathy Boren and Sadie Garcia; Lisa Hunsaker; Sharyn Yetman; Susan Prindle; Sharon Harris; Belinda Harden’s brother James; Heath Kelley; Tom Yull; Tom Shore; Janice Pfeifer; Matthew Perry; Jim Ott; Gina Ott; and our friends at Atria Carrollton. Wear Your Nametag! Be sure to wear your nametag this Sunday to help our guests learn names. If you need a nametag, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the nametag table. Highlights This Week Dinner & Game Night Friday, April 28 6 pm Covenant Center Bring your friends, family and your favorite games! Everyone is welcome. Donations toward dinner are appreciated. Dinner will be spaghetti. Please sign up HERE to let us know you are coming! Breakfast for Austin Street Food Collection Saturday, April 29 9 am to Noon Holy Covenant Kitchen Holy Covenant is scheduled to again provide breakfast for the homeless at Austin Street Shelter. If you are able to donate food, please prepare 12 sandwiches, 12 pieces of fruit and 12 hard-boiled eggs and deliver them to Holy Covenant on Saturday, April 29th, between 9 am and noon. Bottled water and juice boxes are also appreciated. Please drive around to the kitchen door where members of the Spiritual Journeymen will receive the donations from you. Austin Street has raised the total number of beds from 400 to 500 so the need for food has increased. The Journeymen will deliver the food to Austin Street Saturday afternoon. Please contact Rick Davis (972-814-5325 [email protected]) with any questions. Blood Drive Sunday, April 30 9:30 am to 12:30 pm HCUMC Parking Lot As a thank-you, April donors will receive an insulated water bottle–while supplies last. Please donate if you can! Food Pantry Pantry Hours: Tuesday-Thursday from 10-2 In April, 3rd and 5th Sundays from 12-1 pm. We currently need: soups, chili, canned chicken and dry pet food. Donations may be delivered Tuesdays through Thursdays between 10:00 am and noon. In addition to that, we accept donations on Sundays before and after both worship services. There will be carts outside the Pantry for your donations. The Missions Team thanks you for always being there to support the Food Pantry with your donations, your time, and your prayers. Register Now! VBS this year is Compassion Camp! Sunday. June 4 – Thursday. June 8 5:30pm snack supper 6pm – 8pm program Register NOW Compassion Camp: Changing the World with Lovingkindness has the goal to cultivate compassion for each other, ourselves, and the world. Register HERE! Tuesday Take Five Tuesdays at 12 noon Facebook Live Take a few minutes out of your Tuesday for spiritual growth and an uplifting message for the week with Laulie Eckeberger. Finances The HCUMC Finance Committee would like to hear from you! We are looking for new and innovative FUNDRAISING ideas to support the ministries of Holy Covenant. If you have an idea, please email Christine Perry [email protected] or Dante Paa [email protected] by May 10th! You may give ONLINE or send checks to: Holy Covenant UMC 1901 E. Peters Colony Rd. Carrollton, TX 75007 Online Giving Donate here or use the QR code. You may set up a regular pledge payment by choosing the frequency of donations. |