Bridging the Divide: Navigating 2024 Elections Together

The Advocates for Justice and Peace present some very timely and important information to help us all navigate the upcoming elections. The focus is on state and local elections, and emphasizes the following topics:

Sundays in July, 2024 at 9:15 am in the sanctuary and live streamed HERE

Bridging the Divide: Navigating 2024 State & Local Elections Together

July 7, 2024: Legislature 101: The Process

How does the Texas legislature work, how does our local government work, and how do elections work? Recap HERE. Watch the VIDEO.

Speaker: Christine Perry

July 14, 2024: Breaking Down the Ballot: Who and What Are We Voting On?

What issues will (or may) be on the ballot? Who are the candidates on the ballot? Texas House and Senate local candidates LIST. Watch the VIDEO.

Speaker: Jan McDowell

July 21, 2024Don’t Be an Absentee: Voting, Voters Rights, and Volunteering

Why your vote matters and what you can do to ensure a fair and democratic election in Texas now and in the future. Voting INFO. Watch the VIDEO.

Speaker: Candace Valenzuela (with Nancy Fagan covering voting registration and logistics)

July 28, 2024: It’s a Landslide! Managing Information Overload

Media and elections: how to spot misinformation and how/when to do your own research. Speaker: Pam Hughes. Watch the VIDEO. Here are helpful links mentioned in the presentation:

Media Bias Charts

AllSides Media

Ad Fontes (Interactive)

Fact Checking Sites

Snopes (News & Politics)

AFP Fact Check
