What is Happening This Week 10/31-11/3/24

Beloved Community!  

As the parade of Trick or Treaters disappear into the night, we are preparing for our All Saints’ Worship Service on Sunday. We will be including over 20 loved ones and four of our own, Mary Mitchell Trimble, Mary Upton, and two of our previous ECDP teachers: Carol Dougherty and Theresa Svehlek Knudsen. We will be gathering around the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion and remembering our witness.  

One of my favorite quotes is from Valarie Kaur, “Grief is the price of love. Loving someone means that one day, there will be grieving. They will leave you, or you will leave them. The more you love, the more you grieve….”   

The power of love will always be our focus even in weeks of very divisive elections. We are a people who follow a Lord who commands us “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31   

Let us gather this Sunday to follow those Saints who showed us well how to love!  

I look forward to greeting you on Sunday!  

Shalom Blessings,
Pastor Cheryl Murphy  

10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship In-person and Livestreamed  
Join us either in-person, or for online worship on Facebook Live. We are on Facebook Sundays at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org.     

Sunday, November 3
All Saints’ Sunday
Holy Communion
Ushers: Spiritual Journey Class      

      Daylight-Saving Time ends this weekend!    

You may give ONLINE or send checks to:
Holy Covenant UMC
1901 E. Peters Colony Rd.
Carrollton, TX 75007  

  Giving.png Online Giving  
Donate here or use the QR code. You may set up a regular pledge payment by choosing the frequency of donations.  

Sunday School
9:15 am
Kinder to 2nd – Room 206
3rd to 5th—Room 202
Youth – Youth Room
Infants to PreK – Nursery  

Adult Classes:
Daughters of Shalom – Room 208
Seekers – Room 210
Pathfinders – Room 211
Spiritual Journey – Room 212
Travelers – Room 213 – starts at 9:30 am  

Wear Your Nametag!
Be sure to wear your nametag this Sunday to help our guests learn names. If you need a nametag, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the nametag table.   

Prayers of the People  
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
Jerry and Julie Fuller; Kathy Amos; Lois Eaton; Sharyn Yetman; Susan Prindle; Barbara Hunt; Rhonda King; Jean McDonald; Rob Evans; Neil Parker; Lisa Rutherford; Christy Gunter; Kevin McGuffin; LaVerna Webb; Grant Lippincott; Sandy Elms; John Webb; Laura York; Jeff Mills; Claudia and Marshall Masser; Karen McGuffin; Charles Hinton; Debbie and Bob Schulter; James Baxter; Karyl Sarver; Tom Yull; and our friends at Atria Carrollton.     

Highlight This Week  
Breakfast for Austin Street Center
Food Collection
Saturday, November 2
9 am to Noon
Holy Covenant Kitchen  

Holy Covenant is scheduled to again provide breakfast for the homeless at Austin Street Center. If you are able to donate food, please prepare 12 sandwiches, 12 pieces of fruit and 12 hard-boiled eggs and deliver them to Holy Covenant on Saturday, November 2, between 9 am and noon. Bottled water, snack bars and juice boxes are also appreciated.   

Please bring any leftover Halloween candy for clients at ASC, also!  

Please contact Rick Davis (972-814-5325 [email protected]) with any questions.     

Male and female clothes arranged and hanging in a walk in closet Clothes Closet Needs
The HCUMC Community Clothes Closet is very low on all items.

We currently need the following:
-Men’s clothes
-Women’s clothes
-Children’s clothes
-Shoes (all sizes)
-New underwear and socks (all sizes)
-Mini shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, lotion  

Please bring clothes to the church Tuesday – Thursday between 10 am and 2 pm or Sunday mornings.  
Highlights Next Week    

Prayer Service
Monday, November 4th
7 pm in the Sanctuary  
We will gather on the eve of the election for a meditative worship service with prayer and music.    

Parents’ Night Out
Friday, November 8
5:30-8:30 pm
Drop your kids off for a night of dinner, activities and a movie! Spend some quality time alone or with friends while we watch the kids! Contact Laulie [email protected] to reserve a spot for your child.    

Family Service Day
Saturday, November 9
10 am to Noon
Volunteers are needed to pack bags of food for our Food Pantry clients. All ages are welcome.  

Food Pantry
Pantry Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday from 10-2 
2nd and 4th Sundays from 12-1 pm  

We currently need soups, mac & cheese, canned chicken, tuna and pet food. Donations may be dropped off Tuesdays through Thursdays between 10 am and 2 pm. In addition to that, we accept donations on Sundays before and after worship. There will be carts outside the Pantry for your donations.  

Get Your HC Merch!  
In honor of our 50th Anniversary, we are offering several commemorative items for sale!  
T-shirt – $20 | Mug – $10 | Tote bag – $10 | Hat – $20  
Items may be purchased HERE or at church.  

Happy Birthday, Holy Covenant!  
2024 is Holy Covenant turns 50 this year and we invite you to celebrate your church when you celebrate your birthday. Whenever your birthday falls, consider making a gift to HCUMC. Just mark your gift “Birthday Offering” and put it in the offering plate on Sunday or give ONLINE.  

Tuesday Take Five
Tuesdays at 12 noon 
Facebook Live 
Take a few minutes out of your Tuesday for spiritual growth and an uplifting message for the week with Laulie Eckeberger.