What is Happening This Week 11/14-11/17/24
Beloved Community, Finally, the beautiful fall weather has arrived! Hope you are finding reasons to be out in the sunshine and the full moon! There are some important dates listed below with events you won’t want to miss! And we continue to be grateful for your generous giving! On Sunday we will gather to praise God with the singing of the choir, the ringing of the bells, and reflecting on John 15 as we journey through the vineyard. Our connection to our Lord and to one another needs to continue to be a priority! I look forward to greeting you on Sunday. Shalom Blessings, Pastor Cheryl Murphy 10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship In-person and Livestreamed Join us either in-person, or for online worship on Facebook Live. We are on Facebook Sundays at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org. Sunday, November 17 Scripture: John 15 Ushers: Daughters of Shalom Finances You may give ONLINE or send checks to: Holy Covenant UMC 1901 E. Peters Colony Rd. Carrollton, TX 75007 Online Giving Donate here or use the QR code. You may set up a regular pledge payment by choosing the frequency of donations. Sunday School 9:15 am Kinder to 2nd – Room 206 3rd to 5th—Room 202 Youth – Youth Room Infants to PreK – Nursery Adult Classes: Daughters of Shalom – Room 208 Seekers – Room 210 Pathfinders – Room 211 Spiritual Journey – Room 212 Travelers – Room 213 – starts at 9:30 am Wear Your Nametag! Be sure to wear your nametag this Sunday to help our guests learn names. If you need a nametag, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the nametag table. Prayers of the People Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: Jerry and Julie Fuller; Bruce Gibson; Jim McKee; Fay Beard; Kathy Amos; Sharyn Yetman; Susan Prindle; Barbara Hunt; Rhonda King; Jean McDonald; Rob Evans; Diana Klotzman; Neil Parker; Mary Harrison; Christy Gunter; Kevin McGuffin; LaVerna Webb; Grant Lippincott; Sandy Elms; Laura York; Jeff Mills; Claudia and Marshall Masser; Karen McGuffin; Charles Hinton; Debbie and Bob Schulter; James Baxter; Karyl Sarver; Tom Yull; and our friends at Atria Carrollton. Save These Dates! Sunday, Dec 1 – Advent Extravaganza LUNCH, Children’s Market Place, Live Auction Covenant Center 11:30 AM Sunday, Dec 8 – Wesleyan Choir at Community Nativity Celebration 2:00 PM – 4000 Nazarene Dr., Carrollton, TX 75010 Sunday, Dec 15 – Celebration of Elise Webb Odell’s Employment with HCUMC since Fall of 2008 Covenant Center 11:30 AM Advent Extravaganza! Sunday, December 1st 11:45 am in the Covenant Center We are beginning the new Christian year with an Advent Celebration! Following the first Sunday in Advent, December 1st worship we will gather in the Covenant Center for lunch, a Children’s Christmas Marketplace and a live auction with several items including: -this beautiful bluebonnet photo from Efrain -a lovely quilt from Donna Hatter -Stars tickets -Mavs tickets -3 Day/2 Night Lake house stay -Roughriders tickets -a Lake Lewisville excursion with Tracy Piccola and Ashley Norris -a Day of Babysitting from Laulie -Dr. Pepper themed bike -Dining Under the Stars with Randy and Joy Lasley -And more! Kammie will be creating one of her wonderful feasts for lunch. A perfect way to begin December – You don’t want to miss it! Now Collecting Gently Used Toys Now through December 1 Please bring gently used toys for our Food Pantry and Clothing Closet clients. No stuffed animal/plush toys, please! Books Needed! A new Little Free Library* cabinet will replace the existing, worn-out cabinet at the Peters Colony entrance to Holy Covenant. The Spiritual Journey Class organized the original LFL and maintains the books offered. The Class requests that the congregation donate new or gently used books – children and adult – to maintain a full menu of reading material to folks visiting our LFL. These donated books can be left in the Spiritual Journey classroom. If you have questions, please contact the SJ class. *The Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization with a mission to build community, inspire readers, and expand book access. Their motto is “Take a book. Share a book”. Many individuals across the USA, including in Carrollton, have built LFL in their neighborhoods to promote reading in their community. Chick-fil-A Spirit Day Support ECDP and eat Chick-fil-A! All day on Tuesday, 11/19/2024 if you mention Holy Covenant when you eat at the Chick-fil-A in The Colony on Main Street and 121. ECDP will get 20%! Also, you can type the code, “Covenant” in the app for a mobile order. Highlights Next Week Pizza & Game Night Friday, November 22 6 – 9 pm in the Covenant Center Bring your friends, family, and your favorite games! Everyone is welcome. A love offering will be collected for food. Donations toward dinner expenses can also be made on the church website and are much appreciated. Blood Drive Sunday, November 24 9:30 am – 12:30 pm in the parking lot Give the gift of life! All donors will receive a Carter BloodCare blanket–while supplies last. Food Pantry Pantry Hours: Tuesday-Thursday from 10-2 2nd and 4th Sundays from 12-1 pm We currently need canned chicken, mac & cheese, canned beans, diced tomatoes, large soups and pet food. Donations may be dropped off Tuesdays through Thursdays between 10 am and 2 pm. In addition to that, we accept donations on Sundays before and after worship. There will be carts outside the Pantry for your donations. Clothes Closet Needs The HCUMC Community Clothes Closet currently needs the following: -Coats/Jackets -Men’s clothes -Women’s clothes -Children’s clothes -Shoes (all sizes) -New underwear and socks (all sizes) -Mini shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, lotion Please bring clothes to the church Tuesday – Thursday between 10 am and 2 pm or Sunday mornings. Highlight Beyond HCUMC Tuesday Take Five Tuesdays at 12 noon Facebook Live Take a few minutes out of your Tuesday for spiritual growth and an uplifting message for the week with Laulie Eckeberger. Happy Birthday, Holy Covenant! 2024 is Holy Covenant turns 50 this year and we invite you to celebrate your church when you celebrate your birthday. Whenever your birthday falls, consider making a gift to HCUMC. Just mark your gift “Birthday Offering” and put it in the offering plate on Sunday or give ONLINE. Get Your HC Merch! In honor of our 50th Anniversary, we are offering several commemorative items for sale! T-shirt – $20 | Mug – $10 | Tote bag – $10 | Hat – $20 Items may be purchased HERE or at church. |