Current Studies

Pastor's Bible Study

Wednesdays, at 9:30 am
August 7, 21, 28
Room 211

Join Pastor Cheryl for a study of the Book of Acts. We would love for you to join us! Bring your Bible!

Courage Over Comfort Book Study & Growth Group

1st and 3rd Sundays
Beginning September 1
11:30 am
Room 211 in the Covenant Center
Bring a Sack Lunch!

We will be reading Brene Brown's Rising Strong. Come and geek out with us as we learn with some of the leading experts in brain modification and habit formation, mindfulness and meditation, simplification and clarification, and bravery through vulnerability and whole-hearted living. Join a supportive group of your church family as we encourage each other to grow, live our best lives, and be the change we wish to see in this world.

Contact Melissa Beard [email protected] for more information.