Child Care
We are dedicated to providing a happy and loving environment for your child while at Holy Covenant.
Child Care Ministry Policy
At Holy Covenant, quality child care is of the highest priority. We want parents of young children and infants to be active participants in church activities. Child care makes this possible. To ensure that your children are well cared for in your absence, please familiarize yourself with the following information. If you have any questions or problems, contact Rev. Bill Mauldin at (972) 492-2432, ext. 27
Child Care Hours and Rooms
Infant care is available on Sundays from 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Child care for toddlers through Kindergarten is available after Children’s Time and during Sunday School. Click here for building map.
- Infants (newborns to new walkers) – Room 101
- Toddlers (steady walkers to 3 years) – Room 105
- Older Children (3 years to Kindergarten) – Room 106
In addition to Sunday services, child care is also provided for various committee meetings, Bible studies, choir practice, and various other functions. These functions must be BY RESERVATION ONLY and must be arranged for no less than one week prior to the event. To arrange for additional child care, contact your activity coordinator or the committee chairperson.
Drop-Off Procedures
- If using for the first time, please fill in the sign-in sheet located at the entrance of Room 101.
- Introduce yourself to the childcare worker and sign in your child at the door.
- Leave the bottom half of the door closed to ensure that no child will wander off or get caught when the door closes.
- Please label all diaper bags, bottles, pacifiers, or any other items with your child’s name.
What To Bring
- Labeled diaper bag – with an adequate supply of disposable diapers
- Water/juice – if it is not their normal feeding time. Milk or formula otherwise (along with a feeding schedule)
- Extra change of clothes
Please know that snacks will be provided for toddlers and Kindergarteners during church services and Sunday School. Please make the workers aware of any food allergies your children may have. We want only the best for your child. If you prefer to provide a snack for your child, please feel free to do so.
During Your Child’s Care
- If your child has a hard time adjusting to being left in our care, feel free to check on him or her.
- Parents or caregivers must be on the premises in case of emergencies, unless otherwise noted. Should an emergency arise, the parents will be immediately contacted.
- Child-care workers cannot under any circumstances administer medication to a child.
- A parent will be contacted if a child cries continuously for more than 15 minutes.
- A parent will be contacted immediately if there is a disciplinary problem. Physical force will never be used. Children will be guided toward acceptable and responsible behavior in a way that encourages respect for others’ rights and feelings. Time out will be used as an acceptable form of discipline.
Health Policy
As children are a priority at Holy Covenant, the nursery asks your cooperation in keeping sick children at home. A sick child is likely to contract other illnesses as well as spreading their illness to others. Please do not bring your child to the nursery when they have any of the following in the past 24 hours:
- Fever
- Diarrhea and or vomiting
- Undiagnosed or contagious rash
- Heavy running nose or discolored mucus
- Uncontrollable coughing
- Pink eye
- Any skin infection (boils, ringworm, impetigo)
- Croup
- Sore throat
- Other childhood diseases (scarlet fever, measles, mumps, chicken pox, or whooping cough)
Special Needs
If your child is on any medications, has a medical condition that would not be recognized, or is going through an emotionally stressful time (i.e. birth of a sibling, divorce, etc.), please notify the child-care workers. It is important for us to meet the needs of our members’ children to the best of our ability.