Upcoming Meetings
April 9 6:30
April 14 7:00
Consider this:
44% of our neighborhood has no more than a High School education.
28% of the families in our neighborhood are below the poverty level. For a family of 4, that’s $23,850.
Our neighbors have a higher employment rate than the rest of Carrollton. It’s 75% compared to 73% for the city.
Average income in our neighborhood is $42,718.
Holy Covenant has a rich history of serving and advocating for the needs of others. With widespread interest in these topics, and the recent awareness of the plight of our neighbors, we decided a newsletter was in order to keep you informed about the activities and opportunities in these areas. This Service Check-Up will be sent monthly, covering the activities of Missions, Advocates for Peace and Justice, and Elijah Connection.
As a new information source, we’re anxious to hear what you think. Simply Reply to this newsletter to provide your feedback. We strive to make this valuable for you.
Missional Opportunities
The Missions Committee has met with the management and residents of Peter’s Colony Apartments, a Foundations Community, composed of low-income households working hard to be strong, contributing members of our neighborhood and city. We have studied demographic information, and considered how to serve our neighbors. We have reviewed our current programs in light of our focus, and spent some time dreaming of new opportunities. As you review the extensive opportunities in the attached listing, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed. There are many exciting ministries available, and they should all be done – and started last week! But they all need one major component – YOU. Change happens when people of faith trust God and step out. Each and all of these programs are very possible with the support of the congregation. Many are one-time opportunities, and others are recurring programs. There is something here for every volunteer appetite!
Also attached is a commitment form. The Missions Committee has been collecting these this month, and will propose 2015 programming based on your commitments. Please prayerfully consider where God is calling you into action, then complete the commitment form. You may turn it in to the office, place it in the “return” basket in the new Service Station under the stairs, or email to Joy Lasley at [email protected]. If you have questions about how best to match your skill set with these opportunities, Jeanne Selby and Joy Lasley will be happy to consult with you. Please sign the Service Log found on the table in the Service Center.
God calls us to serve. Holy Covenant provides the structure. You provide the heart and hands.
ESL Teachers Needed
We are kicking off a very robust English as a Second Language (ESL) program. We will begin with a placement test, leading to two levels of ESL instruction. Classes will begin the week of May 4, and are completed in a 10 week block.
Is God calling you to this ministry? Two informational meetings for potential teachers are being held on Sunday, April 12, one following the 8:30 service, and another following the 11:00 service. This meeting should take just a few minutes, and won’t conflict with the 12:30 Suicide Prevention discussion.
Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (TCADP)
Join us 5:30-6:00 on execution dates
Advocates for Peace and Justice have joined TDACP and two members took part in the annual meeting during February. Currently we are seeking to raise awareness using TCADP resources with the state legislature, and to actively conduct Vigils on scheduled Texas execution dates. The first vigil was held March 11th at the park across from Holy Covenant. Please consider joining with us for upcoming vigils.
Dates of upcoming executions
April 9- Kent Sprouse
April 15- Manuel Garza
April 23- Richard Vasquez
April 28- Robert Pruett
May 12- Derrick Charles
Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN)
The Advocates for Peace and Justice have been studying the Reconciling Ministries Network to understand the movement more fully, and to decide if Holy Covenant should consider joining it. As a part of that study, the team has scheduled One-on-One visits with HCUMC committee chairs in May. Additionally, a presentation, “Cherry Picking the Bible” by Dan Kasten is scheduled for May 3rd. We hope you’ll join us during the Sunday School hour for that enlightening discussion. In June, a Congregational Survey will be conducted.
Advocates will also sponsor two individuals with partial scholarships to the RMN Convocation, slated for August 6-9 in San Antonio.
For more information, please contact Bob Michael at 972-533-4882 or Kathy Amos at 469-867-7167
Youth First
Serving LGBT youth and young adults ages 14-22, Youth First equips them with the skills they need to lead an open life. Family ties are strengthened, peer support networks are built and mental health is supported through activities that build confidence and address the specific issues that LGBT teens face during their critical, formative years.
Approximately once a quarter, Holy Covenant provides a meal for this group and engages in fellowship. Our Friday meal engagement events are: April 10, July 10, and October 9. For more information, or to volunteer, please contact Rose Lovell at 972-242-5510 or Mary Mitchell-Trimble at 214-212-5736.
Elijah Connection
We have created a new group within Holy Covenant called the Elijah Connection. We are a group of people working together outside the church walls to grow within the community. There are so many opportunities as a church to open up to our neighbors and to get to know them. The core group has participated in Leadership Training through a Methodist program called L4I (Luke 4 Initiative). We started this year-long program last summer and it has been pivotal in helping us learn how to integrate in our community. Our initial focus has been the Peters Colony Learning Center and the families of the Peters Colony Apartments.
Last December, as most of you know, a 12-year-old little boy with whom we’d connected, Elijah, took his own life. This tragic event sharpened our focus on becoming a true neighbor, and we renamed our group in his honor. Exploring the special gifts God has given us all and working side by side will bring the change we all dream of for our community. As we celebrate the conclusion of our Leadership Training, we are continuing our efforts to bring the community and Holy Covenant together.
As a congregation, please pray for the Elijah Connection and ask God how you might show the love of Jesus to those outside our church community. And stay tuned! Specific volunteer opportunities are just around the corner!
And serve each other according to the gift each person has received, as good managers of God’s diverse gifts – 1 Peter 4:10