Queer Theology and the Methodist Church Sunday School Series

Sundays, July 2-30 at 9:15 am

Led by Laulie Eckeberger

Join us for a combined Sunday school in July on Queer Theology and the Methodist Church. Here is what we will cover each Sunday!

July 2 – How did we get here?

            An overview of the series. How we got to this point and beginning theological issues and arguments. Watch HERE

July 9 – Queer Theology

            The theology of LGBTQ issues traced back to when sexuality became an issue in the Christian church, how the issue has developed both in churches and in academia, and what the theological arguments are on both sides. Watch HERE

July 16 – The Bible: Dealing with “the Clobber Verses”

            There are several verses in the bible that people use to oppress, exclude and hurt LGBTQ people. These verses have been called the clobber verses by academics and scholars. Discussion covers how they have been used to oppress LGBTQ people and how to engage with someone who is using a clobber verse to back up their argument. Watch HERE

July 23 – The Methodist Church and LGBTQ People

            This session taught by Reverend Andy Lewis regarding how the Methodist church got into this argument and the history of LGBTQ exclusion from ordination and marriage and what happened at the General Conference and its impact on us today. Andy covers the logistics of churches leaving, what it means and its impact for the Methodist church as a whole as well as our conference and our church. Watch HERE

July 30 – The Future

            Where we go from here? What is the future of the Methodist church? Our church? What does it look like for our church to be a church that stays United Methodist and a church that is inclusive and welcoming. Watch HERE